No more blocky faces by xenius
No more blocky faces by xenius

no more blocky faces by xenius

Moderator: Links to nudity are not permitted even with a disclaimer link. Head over the Nexus forums to check the other version. Search Skyrim Nexus for "Prometheus Better Female"Ī naked version Is as well available. the textures are replaced with higher version ones, they respect the same uvmaps so can eventually be replaced with other texture mods and do not break any other armor or retexture mod.

no more blocky faces by xenius

the mesh is low polygonal as the Vanilla one, with a slight logic small increment compared to the old version.

no more blocky faces by xenius

Hi All I have released my version of an improved new better body for females, the model is a new model that shapes around the original vanilla adding a more revealing suit, more curves in the right places and a overall improved realism of the figure without exagerating the proportions of the feminine parts. Full compatibility with any other mod that follows Vanilla compatibility, no known issues so far.

No more blocky faces by xenius